| 1. | Norman mailer's artistic techniques and writing styles 梅勒的写作技巧与艺术风格 |
| 2. | On shen cong-wen's characterized essay-writing style 沈从文风格独异的散文创作 |
| 3. | On the features of yang shou-song's humanness and writing style 论杨守松为人为文特色 |
| 4. | Comment on xiao hong's inheritage of lu xun's writing style 论萧红的儿童题材文学创作 |
| 5. | The modernistic writing style in snow falling on cedars 的现代主义写作手法 |
| 6. | Hemingway is known for his severe writing style 海明威以其朴实的写作风格而闻名于世。 |
| 7. | The realistic writing style of the quot; angry young men quot 派小说的现实主义创作风格 |
| 8. | His writing style can be seen from this novel 骆宾基的创作风格在这部小说中初露端倪。 |
| 9. | What about article layout, writing style 文章布局和写作风格又如何呢? |
| 10. | On realistic writing style in daniel defoe's novels 试论笛福小说作品中的现实主义创作手法 |